Friday, July 17, 2015

Field Trip #2 TW/TY - Zhanghe 3

On the 14th, I participated on another field trip to Taoyuan! This time, though, we were paired different students, and went to a farm. As you can Imagine, it was another early morning, followed by a hour+ bus ride, activities, then another hour+ bus ride. I'm getting tired just thinking about it!

As you can imagine from the last sentence above, it was a struggle to get out of bed - but I did it nonetheless. In fact, I was even early #proudofmyself! Anywhoo, I digress. We got there, and I didn't think of it too much, because its front looked like a normal two-story house. I would later find out that the giant, and visually stunning, farm was located behind the home. The house was located near hills, so that even added to the beauty of the land.

The day began with a tour of the land. A tour guide showed us the various plants that were there. I was encouraged to touch, feel, and smell everthing - to which I did. It was like walking into a fragrance store and having an assistant show you various products to try (but better of course!).
. There were bushes and trees all over the farm with signs like this! Aside from the various forestation they had growing, they had an area for livestock. I saw chickens, goats, ducks, and even deer. They let the ducks freely walk around the farm, which I'm sure the students enjoyed, I did so my self and even got a picture with them.
I remember walking away from the ducks, then hearing them honk/quack, turn around and see kids chase them - it was hilarious and cute, something you'd find in a television cartoon.

Walking around the farm, we found these giant-a** beetles. Fear compelled me to stay away, but curiosity compelled me to close in, to which I did. What was interesting about the beetles that we saw was that one seemed to be eating/having its way with half-dead one, then a larger one came and fought with it. The larger one won the "battle", then proceeded to eat/have its way with the half-dead one. The smaller, first one, moved about half a foot away in shame, and watched the scene. It was profoundly gross!

We returned to the back of the home and had lunch. I know, you're thinking "how could you eat after seeing that?", but the guide brought out huge containers of food that smelled absolutely delicious. There was rice, a chili, and some melon soup that is commonly eaten in Taiwan. She explained that the farm is their #1 source for getting ingredients to make healthy dishes like the ones before us, and asked the children to come forward. Letting the kids dash off into the lines that formed, and seeing their bowls filled with food brought my appetite back, quickly.

We walked around the farm to pick herbs and vegetables for pizza. Yes, we were making pizza too. Yes, I was full. Yes, I still wanted to eat the pizza. Aside from getting veggies for our 'za, we also got the chance to pick some rice. I've never felt more Chinese, wearing a rice-picking hat, and picking rice.
It was pretty fun to watch a swarm of children, all wearing this hat, run around and collect food for pizza. And, as promised, when we got back the students split into groups to make pizza And they did. And it was tasty. I thought I wouldn't get the chance to eat pizza in Taiwan! I'm glad I can check that off some pseudo-list!

[I'll continue this at another time when I can add photos]

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