Wednesday, June 24, 2015

HK Adventures (Non-Food Related)

Okay, but in all seriousness, we did more than just eat in Hong Kong, although my last post may not have alluded to it. Food is the essence of light, right? Throughout our trip, we did a lot of shopping and traveled around Hong Kong. It was very tiring, but I could feel my legs get stronger each and everyday.

Nearby our hotel was the Lady's Market. This was the place we went to the most during our stay, and we both found our share of goodies to bring home. I can't wait to show my mom what I brought - a piece of Hong Kong (in a way). The market was always packed with an assortment of people, it was very diverse - much more than I expected.
The markets reminded me of my time in BC, all the hussle and bussle, not to mention the yelling in Cantonese! I think I could never get sick of these types of markets - I love them!
We also checked out some of the local shops, which were very nice and expensive. I picked up some sweet shorts that I absolutely adore, they have so many pockets. I even got a pair to match James. I remember when he was telling me about how I could keep tissue in one of them, which I did, and it came in handy. Look at us twinning:

We also got the chance to watch Jurassic World!!! It was a visually stunning movie, and I LOVE DINOSAURS. It was also cool to see some of the gear from the original Jurassic Park movies in the new one.
Don't worry, that's a pic of an ad, and it was taken before the movie began.
I love the way theatres are constructed in Hong Kong, rather than Canada. In Hong Kong they're created vertically, meaning there's one theatre on top of another. Whereas in Canada, they're created horizontally, one theatre beside another. Making them vertical saves so much space, and it makes them look cool.

The most spectacular thing that we did was watch the Symphony of Lights (or Flashing Lights). What this was, was literally the skyline of some of Hong Kong's most well known skyscrapers illuminate the sky to music.
This was a panorama, taken by a very shaky photographer, so mind the quality. This is something you definitely must check out on your trip to Hong Kong. It's simply beautiful.

While our trip to Hong Kong was short live, it truly inspired me to extend my global bounds. It has given me a sense of exploration and hunger to experience the world. It was my first international trip, and it was a memorable experience that I will never forget. I will be back Hong Kong!

Special thanks to James and Phil for making this trip absolutely wonderful!

Missing HK always,
- JC(3.14)

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