Hello everyone!
I trust that you're all doing well.
I must say, right when you walk off the plane the humidity of HK hits you in the face... Though it is insanely, stupidly, hellishly, crazily hot here, HK is such a "cool" city (not temperature wise of course). I honestly don't know how anyone could get used to the heat, but I guess this is coming from someone who's used to -40 weather in Winnipeg (though, I prefer this weather). Just a couple tips for those who may be thinking about coming to HK:
- Bring and carry a small umbrella for the heat, the sun beats down on you, and I mean BEATS!
- Wear clothes that allow you to breathe, this way you won't burn up (I made this mistake, stupid sweats)
- Keep hydrated, seriously
- Carry a small bottle of water around for when you get thirsty, trust me, you'll want water, not a sugar filled drink
HK, compared to Winnipeg is really concentrated, in terms of population, and I s'pose that's what leads to the humidity - too many bodies. Did I mention how many people smoke? A lot. Everywhere you go, there's at least 10 people with a lit cigarette. I almost want to start. Just kidding of course, that's not for me. I'd rather spend my money on food. It's amazing how many times I've bumped into people, especially in the markets, and yelled "SORRY!", and received a blank stare in return. I guess I'm TOO Canadian. It can be really overwhelming, especially to someone whose never been in such a crowded place before. I'd be too scared to drive, the streets are so small, and there are so many people that don't pay attention to the rules of the road.
It's amazing just how much it feels like I'm a part of a HK drama. For example, here's my view from the hotel:
I can almost see the cast from On the First Beat running around, and taking down those triads (HK gangs) down. And the skyline, woah, is it ever beautiful. I've seen it multiple times on television, the internet, and etc., but wow, it's breath taking in person.
What I love most about Hong Kong is how easy it is to get around, and how many modes of transportation there are. Since I've gotten here, I've taken a bus (double-decker), MRT, trolley, ferry, and a taxi. Don't get me started on how taxi drivers drive. It was scary to say the least, but very exhilarating; it definitely gets your adrenaline pumping. But back to the point, because of how easy it is to travel, everything seems nearby. Also, everything comes within minutes, no waiting for 30 minutes in the cold. It's awesome and something you'll never experience in Winnipeg (sorry Winnipeg).
Look at how neatly laid out that is!
Isn't the trolley cute?
Ciao for now, I'll post more about what I actually did soon, I promise.
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