Thursday, August 13, 2015

Big Brother's Always Watching - Zhanghe 11

Today, Aug 14, I taught the kindergarten students some more English songs. This concluded my teaching journey at Zhanghe. With no more classes or anything left to do, I can't help but feel lost. Somewhere in Taipei, my students are roaming around and living their lives. I sincerely hope that they're practicing the four principles that I taught them. All of my classes know me as Jeff 哥 (big/older brother), or sometimes Jeff 大哥 (bigbig/older brother?) to the Kindergartners.
Me enjoying lunch with the Kindergarten students.

That's what I want to be to my students; I want to be their big brother. I remember what it was like to be that young, in Kindergarten and Junior High. Haha, listen to me write as if I'm 20-30 years their senior. Regardless of the fact, I still have a bit more experience under my belt.

When I first got here, I didn't realize the impact the children would have on me. Soon after the fact, when I started teaching, I wanted to be more than their teacher. I wanted to be their older brother - someone they could look up to, respect, admire, and even become an idol to them. And I'm glad that I could have come to Zhanghe and have the opportunity to meet everyone that I did.

This will definitely be an experience that I will ALWAYS remember.

(Dear students,)
你们是我的家, 也我愛你們.
(You are my family, and I love you.)
我回到加拿大了, 但是你們永住在我的心和腦際.
(I'm going back to Canada, but you will live in my heart and memory forever.)
[this is probably incorrect/filled with mistakes]

Jeff 哥 (big brother)

1 comment:

  1. 親愛的學生們,

    you are doing so good already after two months of "hard" work.
