Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Farewell Dinner - Zhanghe 12

On the 16th, as I was walking across the court yard to the gym, 我的家 (my home), the principle came up to me and asked if I could go to dinner on the 17th. Without a second's passing, I excitedly agreed. I didn't care where we'd be going, I was just happy to be included. I didn't know where we were going until we got there. We ended up going to... *drum roll please* DIN TAI FUNG 鼎泰豐. I've been there once before with Judy, and didn't think I'd get the chance to go back. I'm glad I did. And, I'm glad that I got to go with whom I did.
Lynn and I.

Justin, the Director of my group, and I.

Rebecca, the Principle, and I.

Kevin, Rebecca's son, and I. (I didn't get the chance to take a pic with Kiki, her daughter :().


This doesn't even begin to cover all the food that we had. There were 雞肉小籠包, 猪肉小籠包, 蝦肉小籠包, 和菜肉小籠包 (chicken soup dumplings, pork soup dumplings, shrimp soup dumplings, and veggie soup dumplings), 燒賣 (Siumai), 餃子 (dumplings), 雞肉炒飯和蝦肉炒飯 (pork fried rice and shrimp fried rice), 牛肉麵 (beef noodle soup), as well as an assortment of 菜 (veggies). It didn't stop there, we also had dessert. As you can see there was a lot of 紅豆 (red bean) items, and other pastries. Not only was there a lot of food, but it seemed to keep coming, haha. I did my share, and am proud to say, we finished everything. Satisfying would be an understatement. I am very fortunate to be surrounded by these people, and a couple more I didn't get the chance to get a pic with.

I'm going to miss all of you,

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