Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Visual and Performing Arts - Zhanghe 7

Today, August 5, I taught my students about Visual and Performing Arts, and it meant a lot to me. I was able to share my passion with my students, as well as show them some of the highlights from my VPA career in high school. I gave the students one piece of advice, which I was adamant on, and that was to never give up your passion or love, no matter what it is - to keep going, going, going, going, and going. I then told them, that's why I make you sing songs and dance; why it's good to maintain balance, be creative, and express yourself.

Looking back, I always thought that the VPAs were something I should have continued in - at least practicing guitar and piano on a daily basis. The VPAs are a form of expression, escapism, and art. It is beautiful, and getting the opportunity to teach my students about the VPA is something I'm glad I got to do.

Haha, I'm already emotionally attached to the kids and don't want to leave! They've had such a big impact on me. Recently, I've started working on the final PowerPoint, and it'll be tough. No tears I hope... Some kids have already given me something. One student brought me dumplings to class, and I was able to finish one before class began. They apologized to me because they got cold, but I reassured her that it was okay! She looked super sad about it, and that effort made them so much more special to me. I never would have expected it. Another student made me a little star that she had folded herself, and it really is nice! I'm just thinking of a way to bring it back without damaging/squishing it. Also, a girl gave me a folded up note, and it's the cutest thing ever! On the inside it reads "Teacher, thank you, you are very handsome, I love you, from ______". These little heartfelt items and kind words will be the death of me, emotionally! I appreciate everyone that I've got the opportunity to meet.

He who cannot believe it,

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