Monday, August 24, 2015

Fashion Monster - TW Adventures 2

Yesterday, Aug 25, I went to two of my favourite malls in Taipei. The first being 台北地下街 (Taipei City Mall), and the second, the mall connected to 台北一O一 (Taipei 101). I don't really do too much shopping at either locations (I usually just get food, as you'll see below); I just like being in both environments for different reasons. The first location because it speaks to my inner Otaku, or nerd. The second because it speaks to my aspirations; success and prestige. I love both places equally, as they compose to large portions of my personality (the first being what I want my house to look like, and the second what I want my closet to look like).

The day started with me and Astrid heading to 台北火車站 (Taipei Main Station), as she needed to prep for an upcoming convention. Along the way, she took me to get a Taiwan 甜甜圈 (doughnut). Being the sugar-fanatic that I am, I really enjoyed it. The picture below does not do the 甜甜圈 any justice! It's really similar to the Sugar Loop from Tim Hortons. It's a bit more crispier, though. I had a Homer Simpson moment, just staring at it. Mmm, 甜甜圈. Astrid said I should limit myself to one a day, which was unexpected (we had a talk about being more healthy the day before, haha!).

After I devoured that sugary goodness, we sat around and waited for the mall to open. I initially was planning to buy a Shenron, the dragon from Dragon Ball Z, statue. But the statue had a little sticky that read "no box". As you can see through the link, there are A LOT of breakable parts. How they could commit such an atrocity, I do not know. Anyway, we left the store, and I kept turning to the store, yelling how much I needed it (I don't). On the plus side, there were cardboard cut-outs of two anime characters from one of my favourite animes, Sword Art Online.
Sugoi kawaii desu!!! (I'm sorry...)

We then went through the station, and found a giant room, filled with people sitting on the floor. We joked about how crazy it was. It looked like a giant chess board, with multiple pieces scattered across the board. We both have different theories, mine being that "Chinese" people don't like the colour white as it's associated with death, And Astrid's that white shows more dirt, so people opt for black, even though it's just as dirty.

We left the mall, and I left Shenron behind. Astrid then led me to get a beverage, and then to get 日本菜 (Japanese food). Initially, I wanted to get a drink with chrysanthemum in it, to try and be a bit more healthy and switch it up. They were out, and in a moment of panic I got a 珍珠奶茶 (pearl milk tea) with no sugar or ice. Here's a tip, always get a little bit of sugar in your bubble tea. Trust me. I thought I was being a bit more healthy, but it wasn't worth it, haha. Anyway, back to the important stuff, the really good Japanese food (yay). It was a nice and cozy restaurant, and the whole menu looked amazing. Astrid and I got the same dish , as per her recommendation, and I must say, it did not disappoint. What was cool about this dish, is that it came with an cooked egg to add to your dish. It was a fun experience, I've never cracked an egg while eating at a restaurant before. It was really good, and judging by the pictures, came with the most greens (yay health)!


Astrid had to go since she received a parcel. I didn't want to prolong her return home, so we decided to go our separate ways. I went to 台北地下街 (Taipei 101) to get my coworkers some 礼物 (gifts). After my purchase, I roamed around the mall. It's funny because I don't enter the high-end boutiques that populate the mall; they're too intimidating.

Gucci, Gucci,

Louis, Louis,

Fendi, Fendi,

Basic b****** wear that s***, so I don't even bother!
(A Kreyshawn song that pops into my head whenever I browse this particular mall)

I didn't buy anything from this mall, for good reasons. 1. I cannot afford such an expense, 2. I do not carry enough cash, 3. I don't really like high-end boutiques. They're more of a fun-dream I have. I mean, it would be cool to be able to afford something here (and when I say afford, I mean having enough disposable income). It's funny because they also have a Roots (which is still out of my budget). I remember the first time I saw it; talk about unexpected!

Instead of overspending on fabric, I opted to buy overpriced food (yay!). I got a 抹茶紅豆牛奶冰 (red bean, matcha milk tea, slush).
It tasted pretty good. The red beans provided a nice change to the bubble tea pearls that I've become accustomed to in my drink (bubble tea). It was also a good mix, red bean, matchs, and milk. The picture looked good, I recently learned how to say 紅豆 (red bean) and 抹茶 (matcha), so I thought, why not? When in Taiwan, do as the Taiwanese do! The only problem with the drink was that it was too good, I drank it too fast, and the my drink became a mix of ice and red bean.

Before I left for home, I took a pic of 鼎泰豐 (Din Tai Fung).
(I will be back)

Later days, Taipei 101,

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