Thursday, August 6, 2015

Kindergarten - Zhanghe 8

Today, Aug 7, I taught the Kindergarten kids some songs,"The ABC's", "Happy Birthday", "Head and Shoulders Knees and Toes", and "I Love You" (the Barney theme). Throughout the lesson, the kids were ecstatic! Laughing, giggling, and excited about everything I said. It was a really fun class! I've taught other elementary grades and junior high students, and it's interesting how they respond to a teacher. As we were sing the last song, the Barney theme, and got to the line: "with a great big hug" all the students erupted and ran forward to hug me. It was something I've never really experienced before.

The younger the students, the more open they are to trying new things.

It got me thinking about the paradigm shift. When do we lose our sense of not caring how we appear to others? Our sense of innocence? Our sense of curiosity? And our sense of loving one another? When do we learn to judge? Gain an apathetic nature? To disdain? And to alienate? Of course there are a plethora of answers to this question, but I'll leave that for another time.


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