Tuesday, August 25, 2015

JUSTIN BIEBER - TW Adventures 3

Haha, some of you may be wondering why this post is titled "Justin Bieber". Astrid and I, and now Lavie too, have this running gag - when someone's acting remotely childish, we call them Justin Bieber, bwhahaha. We just got back from picking up Lavie from 台北火車站 (Taipei Main Station). 今天她日本从返回 (She got back from Japan today), Aug 25, and told us about her stories of exploration and anime (Otaku!!!).

Before Astrid and I got to 台北火車站, we stopped to grab a quick dinner. She took me to a little restaurant that had two dishes. 1. Pig Intestine and Noodles, and 2. 臭豆腐 (Stinky Tofu). The pig intestine noodle soup was pretty good! The broth it was in was something new to me, and I'm glad I got to try it. The Stinky Tofu was good as well (and didn't stink - yay!); it had sharper flavours than the one at Shilin Night Market. We left, and; surprise, surprise; we got a tea. But today, we got a lemon tea! It was a nice contrast to the milk-based beverages I've been having lately. We both ordered a (I forgot the first two character) 柠檬茶, 冰少和半糖 (lemon tea, with a little ice, and half sugar). The little shops around Taipei have so much to offer; I love it. In fact I was telling Astrid how I'm going to miss walking down a street and ordering from a street-side vendor.

After hanging around, we found Lavie, and welcomed her back home. She told us of the many anime stores and temples that she got a chance to roam around in. We talked about how big the anime stores are in Japan in comparison to Taiwan, and Winnipeg (I had to tell them how sad it is back home). While sitting on the bus to get home I coaxed them both to go to McDonald's for ice cream, bwhahaha. Between the three of us, we got 兩個冰炫風(Oreo)和兩個薯条(中包) (two Oreo McFlurries and two medium fries). Bragging moment: telling them that 冰炫風 is a Canadian invention.
A funny side story: while the three of us were at McDonald's, a little boy came in with his family, running around and screaming, to which Lavie whispered, "Justin Bieber". I looked at Astrid and laughed; she always mentions how she hates kids. After a while he ran up to me and I instinctively said hello and smiled. He said hello back, and ran off. When he had to leave, he peeped at us from behind a table (that's how short he was, we could only see his eyes and the top of his head), said he had to go, and said byebye. I said byebye, and he ran off with his family. After our interaction with the child Astrid whispered, "cute Justin Bieber". Haha! It was such a cute moment; I love children.

Walking up the stairs with Lavie's luggage was quite a mission, but I got our squad to repeat after me, "I am big and strong." I'd like to thank them for humoring me. That really makes the difference! Or at least provides a comedic effect to lugging luggage up 4 flights of stairs.

I am big and strong,

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